Contact Us

Our support staff is trained to help you with most of your general questions. However, the staff cannot give legal advice. Our staff “screens” telephone calls to allow our attorneys to devote their full attention to clients in the office. It is our office policy to return telephone calls within 24 hours.

Payment is expected at the time of your visit. This allows us to keep our billing costs down, extending the savings in client fees. We accept cash, money orders and personal checks. (NOTE: Personal Injury cases are generally handled on a contingency basis.)

If you are experiencing financial difficulties please inform us as soon as possible so that we can work out a convenient payment plan with you.

8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (Monday – Friday) Other hours or house calls available by appointment.

The Walsh Firm, Ltd.
500 North Rainbow Boulevard,
Ste. 115
Las Vegas, Nevada 89107

Illinois Satellite Office:
950 Skokie Blvd., Ste. 310
Northbrook, IL 60062